It’s happened to almost all surfers at one time or another: the dreaded drop-in. Whether it’s by a beginner on a one-foot day at your local beachbreak or, if you’re very unlucky, on that perfect swell of the winter where you’re pulling into a deep-blue cavern and all you can see before straightening out or getting buried by the lip is someone shoulder hopping on the corner.
This act can result in a variety of outcomes. Usually an apology followed by a friendly chat ensues. However, this isn’t always the case. Occasionally a dangerous drop-in can result in a heated conversation, sometimes followed by sending someone into the beach and in some cases resulting in a physical altercation, although always unnecessary in my eyes.
In this video, you can see a particularly bad drop-in at the 1:26 mark. The surfer sitting on the peak takes off on a lovely looking wave. As he looks to pull in on the first section he notices someone dropping in on the shoulder. This act causes the surfer to straighten out resulting in a heavy beating across a shallow reef. To make matters worse, when watching the clip in slow motion you notice the drop-in culprit glance over at the surfer paddling in on the peak and continue to go for the wave.
Surf etiquette works. It keeps people safe and allows everyone to have fun in the water. If you need a refresher, listen to seven-time world champ Steph Gilmore break it down.
More can be found from filmmaker Alasdair Evans on YouTube, here.