Novelty surf spots constnatly run through my mind when I’m at home. I’ve surfed almost every stretch of beach that I can close to home, so it’s hard not to wonder if there’s something new out there. When I’m traveling, however, it’s a different story. I’m usually content with whatever surf is thrown my way, be it mediocre or amazing. I’m currently in Central Florida for a surf contest announcing job (ASF Champioships) at Sebastian Inlet State Park. I’ve been surfing this place since I was about ten and competed in my first ever contest here. Needless to say, I’ve never even considered novelty possibilities around Sebastian Inlet, or anywhere in Florida for that matter.
But this day was a different story. I paddled out at the normal peak on the north side of the jetty to see waves crashing up, over & through the middle of the pier. I paddled in, walked over & peered down at a mini peeling left. I looked at Josh Whitehead, my videographer, and said “here we go again boys!” Somehow the Southside of the jetty was breaking!
Novelty mode, on.