The Inertia for Good Editor

Things are bound to get tense when you haven’t caught a wave bigger than knee high in the past year.

The Inertia

Summers in California can be painful. Some summers are great. But others are brutal, where weeks-long West Coast flat spells can lead men down a path of psyching over the slightest hint of wind swell. And slipping into that kind of withdrawal can have long-term mental and physical side effects. It’s in times like these we are helped the most through the support of others conflicted by the same demons.

Enter the Small Wave Support Group, a weekly program where one can get a donut, a hug, and a little reassurance that they’re not powerless in all this mess.

Things might get tense though, so beware.

“You’d still be on the CT if you could surf a decent wave,” Britt Merrick tells Sage Erickson.

“Well, I could surf bigger waves if you could shape a decent step up,” she claps back.

Unloading harsh truths on one another aside, the Small Wave Support Group is a place where surfers come together to better themselves, so all are welcome. Except for Dane Reynolds.

This is a hilarious advertisement for Merrick’s Dumpster Diver 2.


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