Gawd I’ve missed seeing Dane Reynolds surf. In the two years since Marine Layer, his former site, went off the air, we’ve gotten snippets here and there of the speed, the intention, the control while seemingly out of control. But not the volume of edits that came with the years that Marine Layer filled the internet with his type of wave riding. It was the kind of surfing that made you want to go surfing.
Well, after threatening to get it done, Dane’s back with Chapter 11 TV (fitting, given the current state of things). It’s still ruthlessly arty, but in a wiser fashion, I suppose. On an opus, written on the site, Dane promises not to be so picky with what he puts out this go around, which will definitely satisfy most ooglers of surf video: “I got excited to start Chapter 11 TV in January when I was surfing a lot and feeling pretty good about it and getting inspired by the new generation of local surfers,” he wrote. “I miss making surf videos despite the preposterousness of the pursuit.”
No, it’s not an easy pursuit. But we’ll take what we can get. Dane shows off a bit of his penmanship as well, dropping several little anecdotes to color the release of his first Chapter 11 video: he nearly barks at a local grom who loses his board while Dane’s navigating a barrel, only to be softened by the kid’s enthusiasm and he lets us in on his own family dynamic. It may not be Marine Layer prime, but it might be more interesting.
I tried to embed the video here but you might just have to go to the site. Not living up to Dane’s standards, it’s still pretty good – you’ll notice the same Ventura favorites, some local young talent, and an end section featuring Oxnard’s finest beach break. Glad you’re back Dane.
Check out the new Chapter 11 release, here.