From all his interviews and public appearances, it would seem that Dane Reynolds has a casual approach to life. But his surfing, and his filmmaking, bely that notion. His films, while purposefully rough around the edges, have a plan, a focus. And you can tell he doesn’t take a casual approach to making them. His surfing looks like an angry cat caught fire, jumped off a building, and landed on its feet, crouched and ready to attack. Or focused, if you will. So take his latest film, Glad You Scored, as another example of his underlying fixation on quality. Smartly crafted, he uses voice messages to narrate the film. In the opening he talks to his filmer, “I know how I turn into a nervous wreck over these things.” That’s because he cares deeply.
Glad You Scored is one of his best works to date, not only because of his own surfing but because of the talented cast of characters he gathers to join in: Dylan Graves, Eithan Osborne, Holly Wawn, Harry Bryant, Wade Goodall, and more. The music, the surfing. Surely good stuff from Ventura’s favorite-est son.