Senior Editor
Cyclone Alfred surfing Jack Robinson

Jack Robinson is made for days like this at Kirra. Photo: YouTube//Jack Robinson

The Inertia

Unless you’ve been in a cave with a blindfold on and your ears plugged for the last few days, you’ll know that Kirra has been doing very good things. Cyclone Alfred whipped up waves of historic quality — which is saying a lot, because Kirra has high-quality waves.

Jack Robinson was there, along with quite a few others (including James Woods, who may have paddled into the best wave of the swell), and Robinson’s surfing is pretty much made for this kind of swell event. He’s a surfer who cut his teeth on Western Australian waves; waves full of grit and power. Fast and heavy; waves that either beat you into oblivion or let you out in a spray of glory. So when Kirra turned into what it’s been turning into, Robinson shone about as bright as a surfer could shine.

“Easily some of the best Kirra I’ve ever surfed — one for the history books,” Robinson said. “Kirra’s wild from the beach, but from the lineup, it’s a whole different beast! Seeing those things spit and knowing someone’s deep inside is next-level. When it all lines up, the Gold Coast of Australia can provide some of the most perfect waves in the world. This will be a day to remember!”


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