I grew up surfing on British Columbia’s west coast. The water is cold there, but the waves are fantastic and the scenery is by far the most beautiful of anywhere in the world. But since I grew up there, I never noticed it. I’m stupid for not noticing it.
Then I moved to Los Angeles, where one lone, smog-shrouded palm tree makes everyone whistle in amazement from their air conditioned cars in the middle of a glittering, polluting traffic snake. “Los Angeles is BEEAAUUTIFUL,” they say. No, it’s not. It’s really not. I’m sure it used to be, but it isn’t anymore, because we covered it in pavement so we could drive to see how beautiful it is.
But the water is warm (ish), so that’s nice. Warm and full of diapers and needles and ear-infecting shit, so that’s not. Now I realize how amazing home is. Cold water surfing has really blown up in the last few years. With wetsuit technology keeping surfers warmer in colder places than ever before, a whole new world has opened up… and it’s a world that is visually stunning. Palm trees replaced by snow-capped mountains. Howling offshores replaced by blowing sleet. And some people are never happier than when they’re miserable–cold water surfers fall in that category.
COLD SEDUCTION from Max Larsson on Vimeo.