Surfer/Photographer/ Cinematographer

You may or may not have heard of Coconut Willie, but after watching this video of him snagging the wave of the day at Honolua Bay last week, you’ll remember this nut. Coconut Willie, aka Will Hunt, is from Maui’s North Shore, and knows a thing or two about coconuts. Famously known island-wide as Maui’s best Coconut tree trimmer, frother, coconut enthusiast, Jaws charger, trademark claimer, Honolua wave magnet, and all around spunky guy.

Recently Featured on instagram’s @Barrel_Dodgers_Anonymous page, he’s been on a mission to prove them wrong…well…. Enjoy this perfect Honolua gem that Will snuck under in perfect form. Also please enjoy one of Will’s signature all time well deserved claims . If we all drank as much coco as this guy, I’m sure we’d all be getting dreamy waves such as this one.


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