Cloudbreak. The name even sounds welcoming. Cloudy. Dreamy. Come on in, float away with me – so that I can lift you up, get you stuck in my lip and slam you down on rock-hard reef so violently you really understand what surfing is all about. Yeah, the barrel at Cloudbreak may look perfect, but make no mistake, this wave packs a razor-sharp punch.
That’s why Koa Rothman spent an entire video explaining what it’s like, and what to do, when you get caught inside at Cloudbreak. It pretty much applies to any big wave you may get caught inside at. Or any wave, really. There’s nothing more intriguing than trying to figure out how to get out of trouble when you’re caught inside, whether it be during a giant south swell at Lowers just to avoid getting skewered by a fin, or yes, at Cloudbreak, where you should literally be fearing for your life if you’re caught in the wrong spot.