
The Inertia

I lived on Long Island for two years of my life. And before you question that preposition, let me assure you that locals are emphatic: it’s “on” Long Island not “in”. A California purebred, it was tough getting accustomed to surfing in the Mid-Atlantic. Getting waves can literally come down to being in the right place during a few hour window. Beyond hurricane swells in the late summer and early fall, winter is when waves are most consistent, which requires donning some serious neoprene and ridding yourself of any hostility toward ice cream headaches.

It’s the added level of commitment that surfing in the East requires that makes it all the more incredible that someone with cerebral palsy would look at surfing and say, “Yah. I want to do that and keep doing it.”

Dylan Hronec is on another level. And Cliff Skudin is the man behind the magic – helping Dylan to keep surfing each day.

Cliff is also the co-founder of Surf For All, a Long Beach, New York-based organization that works to get developmentally disabled teenagers out in the water. Dylan’s story is an incredible one. And it goes to show that really anyone can find themselves and discover their passion in the ocean, just as long as they’re given the opportunity in the first place.


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