New Smyrna Beach, Florida is known by locals as the shark bite capital of the world. But for Florida, the surf ain’t half bad, which creates a serious conundrum. Joey Paesano is a YouTuber and fairly handy with a drone, as you can tell, not to mention sound. He’s also a surfer. He captured this radical footage a few days ago. He asked his viewers what type of shark they thought it was and most answered black tip with a few thinking it may have been a bull shark. So did Paesano still paddle out after getting the footage? “Yes, I still went out surfing that day,” he said. He has a whole host of shark drone vids on his page if you’re looking for more viewing.
Learn how to minimize chances of an adverse shark encounter as well as critical information about shark behavior, shark personalities, shark language, what to do in the unlikely event a shark bites you, and more in 20-plus video lessons in Ocean Ramsey’s Guide to Sharks and Safety.