Distributor of Ideas

The Inertia

When drones entered the surf filmmaking picture it was an absolute game changer. Suddenly angles typically reserved for helicopter pilots and extraterrestrials became within reach of everyday videographers. And we haven’t looked back.

Unfortunately, drone angles have become so ubiquitous that the general public has become almost desensitized to them. But just when we began to think every drone angle was beginning to blend together, West Oz filmmaker Alasdair Evans dropped this one: a beautiful little West Oz rainbow tube.

“Somewhere in Western Australia I managed to capture a surfer getting barrelled whilst the spray created a rainbow coming off the wave,” said Evans of the shot.

The surfer is unknown, but man whatever they say about gold on the other side of the rainbow is definitely true in this case.

Check out more from Alasdair Evans on Youtube.


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