Ask any surfer and they’ll tell you: stand-up paddle boards more closely resemble boats than they do surfcraft. Yeah, there’s some bias there, but SUPs ain’t small, we can all admit that. That’s why the size of this great white shark examining a paddler is just a tad …..jarring?
Carlos Gauna, who goes by the online handle The Malibu Artist, has become a drone expert with regards to tracking great white sharks along the Southern California coast. Here, he gives us a bird’s-eye view of a great white swimming next to an 11-foot paddle board. That view makes the shark look a little chunky, perhaps, and at least 12 feet long.
“Recently, I’ve been filming large great white sharks,” he wrote. “These are sub-adult and adult white sharks. It’s known that large adult white sharks tend to stay offshore in California while the juveniles hang out in near-shore waters. Lately, it’s been the large females near shore I’ve been observing.”