Carissa Moore has always been an impressive surfer. Born and raised on Oahu, she’s turned heads since baby days. As a grom, she surfed with her dad Chris Moore and under his guidance, blossomed into the surfer we know and love today.
“He pushes me into the waves,” says seven-year-old Moore. “And he tells me if I need to go under the water. I think it’s harder for little kids because they have little arms.”
When you watch Moore surf in the above video, it doesn’t look like her ‘little arms’ are holding her back. In fact, she’s a better surfer at seven than most adults.
“I think it’s pretty fun because it’s different each day,” says Moore. “They just come by and say ‘wow you were pretty brave out there,’ and ‘you’re going to be a pro surfer when you grow up.'”
Little did they know.