The Outer Banks Kill Devil Hills area a few years back. A 66-year-old man was pulled dead from the water nearby. Photo: Mickey McCarthy

On Thursday afternoon, a 66-year-old man was pulled from the surf in the Outer Banks. He still had his surfboard attached to his ankle, and he was dead.
For the last few days, Hurricane Jose has turned Cape Hatteras into something local surfers wait years for. According to reports, the man, who has yet to be identified, was seen floating facedown just north of the village of Rodanthe at Cape Hatteras National Seashore and taken to shore by bystanders. They began CPR and called EMS, and although emergency personnel from Dare County EMS, Chicamacomico Banks Water Rescue, and the National Park Service arrived on scene minutes later, it was too late.
“Cape Hatteras National Seashore extends our condolences to his family and friends during this very difficult time,” said Outer Banks Group Superintendent David Hallac. The cause of death has not yet been confirmed.
It’s a strange time right now–powerful storms are currently hammering various parts of the planet while earthquakes shake up many more. Sixteen-year-old Zander Venezia died surfing after Hurricane Irma’s swell made it was into the Caribbean. Our thoughts go out to everyone in the Outer Banks surf community affected by the most recent death.