“Mate, I just had the most hectic experience I’ve ever had underwater,” explained Australian fisherman Jack Strickland after his unexpected encounter with a bull shark. While fishing with some friends off the Great Barrier Reef, Strickland spotted a group of spangled emperors. “I got a perfect shot on one. Nailed him with the speargun and he took off and unfortunately wrapped himself around in coral,” he explained. Just as Stickland went to untangle the fish, a bull shark came out of nowhere, snatching his dinner and taking off with his favorite speargun.
Desperate to get his favorite speargun back, Strickland chased after the shark and eventually found it resting in a dark cave with his newly poached meal. “It still had the gun in its mouth like a dog on a leash,” he said. The video shows Strickland cutting the reel line just before the shark took off again. And although the cheeky little bastard stole his dinner, Strickland came out unscathed with his favorite speargun.