Photo: Ben Gravy//YouTube

It’s never a good sign when you see a countdown timer show up in a surf video. Usually that means you’re watching a hold-down, and it’s going to be a long one. That’s exactly what happened to YouTuber Ben Gravy, detailed in his latest vlog, when a session at firing Waimea quickly turned into a nightmare.
The key moment comes around the 7:15 mark in the vid below, when Gravy paddles into a sizable bomb. Unfortunately, the ride immediately goes awry when Gravy fumbles the takeoff and tumbles head-first into a mountain of whitewash. After a stomach-churning 20 seconds underwater, Gravy pops up, but only has time for literally a breath, before getting pounded by another wave. He finally emerged from the experience unscathed (physically, at least), but it’s surely an experience he won’t soon forget.
“I broke my rule in Hawaii and I went surfing on the last day of the trip,” explained Gravy in the caption. “It was especially gnarly, because it was the first day of the Eddie swell and the surf was rising fast. Waimea Bay was definitely the biggest I’ve ever surfed it and I experienced what is by far the scariest wipeout of my life, accompanied by a 20-second hold down. I’m very happy to be here still living on earth and very happy to see Dennis and Jordan after this trip.”