Senior Editor

The Inertia

Ben Gravy is fresh off the surf trip of a lifetime. The 7 Seas in 7 Days project was a tough thing to accomplish — some 30,000 miles that very nearly took him all the way around the world in a week — but accomplish it he did. He started off in Japan, then went to Bali before hopping over to Australia. From there, he went back to the U.S. before boarding a flight to Norway, where he surfed the final waves of his journey.

Traveling, as you probably know, can really take it out of you. Although Gravy is an avid traveler, even he wasn’t quite prepared for just how difficult the whole thing would be, especially dealing with the lack of sleep that comes from changing time zones so frequently.

“That was the biggest thing that I didn’t account for,” he told The Inertia. “I thought we were going to have airplane issues and all these problems with transportation and timing and all that was just perfect. The biggest issue was the sleep. We never really got more than four hours of sleep or we slept on a plane every night, so it was just stacking up. When I was driving in Norway to the beach, I was just like, ‘There’s no way anyone can be this tired.’ I was just fighting through it. It was crazy. You start questioning stuff. Like, is this even real? Like, losing your mind. It was intense.”

It’s been a few weeks since he officially finished his trip, and it’s likely he’s still recovering in a dark room somewhere. But while he’s doing so, he’s finding the time to put together edits using some of the footage we have yet to see. His most recent YouTube offering is a look at just how good the surf in Norway can get.


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