Ben Gravy, moments before hearing he can get back in the water soon. Photo: Ben Gravy // YouTube

Ben Gravy, moments before hearing he can get back in the water soon. Photo: Ben Gravy // YouTube

The Inertia

In March, Ben Gravy detached his bicep from the bone while attempting to stall in a backside barrel. Soon after, he underwent surgery for a complete bicep tendon repair. At this point, the whole ordeal has left the novelty wave king land-bound for 12 weeks, but a recent visit to the doctor illuminated a light at the end of the tunnel.

“I just broke down crying in the doctor’s office, because I was told that I am allowed to start surfing small waves in four weeks,” he said to the camera afterwards, still a little choked up. “It’s weird with the whole injury, how much pressure I had on myself and I didn’t realize it. Literally didn’t realize it until today, in that moment, how heavy it all was. Just wanted to say thank you everyone who supported me. It truly, literally means the world to me. Thank you so much.”

Gravy’s new goal is to surf on June 20, which also happens to coincide with the first official day of summer. “I am so excited to start making surf videos again,” said Gravy. “It’s been crazy, but at the same time it’s been wild to see how quickly 12 weeks has gone by.”

True to form for the globe-trotting wave hunter, he has a relentless schedule planned as soon as he gets that green flag. First, he’s going to rebuild his strength in Jersey for a month, then head off to California for some more mellow waves. Finally, just around the six-month mark, Gravy will be able to start ramping up to bigger waves, just as hurricane season hits the East Coast.

“This has been literally the only thing on my mind,” Gravy added. “It’s been my only goal, achieving it. Just hearing that from the doctor is just so much pressure off my shoulders. I feel like I can go back to my normal life and do my job, do what I was put on this earth to do.”


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