
The Inertia

There is no doubt, Ben Gravy will absolutely surf anything. Especially on a soft-top. Be it backwash from a jetty, river waves, tidal bores, glacier swell, tanker waves, if it has a face, he’ll ride it.

Ben has been laid up with a bicep injury of late so he put together this raw compilation of his favorite novelty waves (my personal favorite is the head-high river wave in Montana).

“Seven weeks into my bicep recovery, I’ve been taking some deep dives into my novelty wave exploits,” he wrote. “It’s been a dream come true going glacier surfing in Alaska, tanker surfing in Texas and North Carolina and more waves along the way. Thanks for all the stoke and support for my life and dreams! FOR THE DREAM!!!”

Seems like surgery has provoked a little reflection in the novelty king. And we’re all the benefactors. Pipeline, Snapper, J-Bay, Indo, all locales that kick out enviable video cuts. But nothing beats a good random wave where you’d actually expect to find absolutely nothing. And Ben always (ALWAYS) seems to find something to ride amidst the vast sea of nothingness.


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