A Belmar surfer was detained for allegedly not showing a 12-dollar beach pass. Photo: Austin Downs // Facebook

In Belmar, New Jersey, police allegedly arrested a surfer for failing to display a $12 beach pass. In a video posted to Facebook, the wetsuited man is seen being detained by the police, then placed in a chokehold and thrown to the ground, before being led away in handcuffs while horrified onlookers attempt to intervene.
According to the caption of the video, “A local surfer was arrested at Belmar Beach on 19th Avenue for not displaying a beach badge on his wetsuit, despite having the badge attached to his beach bag.” At this time it is unclear what occurred immediately before or after the events of the video.
The video begins with a handcuffed man in a wetsuit being led away from the beach by police officers. As the police continue to pull him, the man says that he has a beach pass and a woman attempts to show them the pass. Later on, as onlookers confront the officers, the man can be heard in the background telling the officer holding him, “you are not allowed to do this.” From there, a struggle begins that ends in the officers putting the man in a chokehold and pinning him to the ground. The man is then placed in handcuffs and led away.
Unlike many other parts of the United States, most New Jersey beach towns require paid badges or tags to access the sand. In Belmar, beach badges are required for admission from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekends and holidays. The badges cost $12 per day for adults.