Sydney’s surfers are champing at the bit over a new surf spot set to launch 12 miles from the ocean. Last week URBNSURF announced another milestone in the company’s Sydney wave pool location as the basin has been filled with water and will be open to receive guests in April. Located in Sydney Olympic Park, a western suburb of Sydney, it will be the second pool open to the public in Australia after the first artificial wave, URBNSURF’s Melbourne location, cut the ribbon in 2020.
Australian surfers celebrated the news on URBNSURF’s Instagram post. Josh Kerr, Letty Mortensen, and Harley Ingleby were among those who gave it stamps of approval in the comment section.
The pool features Wavegarden Cove technology, with a right and left built side-by-side. The wave features six session types that include cruiser, progressive turns, intermediate, advanced turns, advanced, and expert. The expert wave will offer rides up to 16 seconds while accommodating 12 surfers on each side. According to URBNSURF, each surfer will be allotted 18 waves in a session.
While the exact pricing for each session isn’t yet available on the website, if you were to look at the Melbourne pool as a parallel, sessions generally range from AUS $109 to $159 (USD $71-104) depending on the type of wave you select and the direction. For example, in Melbourne, it costs AUD $151 to surf the expert left and AUD $159 to surf the expert right. The beginner cruiser wave is AUS $119 regardless of direction. (There is slight variance in the pricing for sessions depending on the date.)
URBNSURF is currently selling yearly memberships that range from AUD $1,799 to $4,999. The highest membership level will get you 52 surfs per year between either of their two locations. Additionally, you can privately rent both the left and the right for AUD $2,750 with 18 surfers per side, however, it’s unclear for how long.
The Sydney URBNSURF location was first approved in 2017 with the AUD $50 million project first breaking ground in 2021.
URBNSURF boasts that it’s “now the only Wave Pool Business in the world to operate two wave parks.”