Distributor of Ideas

The Inertia

A little over a minute into this edit — just one session of many in young Asher Wales’ life — the Australian style master strokes into a wave and instead of staying on his feet, he lies with his arm outstretched, turning his surfboard into a handplane before getting back up again. It’s not the most impressive thing you’ll ever see a human being do on a wave but it’s undeniable. It’s fun to watch. It’s playful. You can’t miss it, mostly because you just don’t see that level of creativity very often.

We all get caught up in surfing waves how we think we’re supposed to. We watch others turn and pump and carve and twist and once we’re in the water ourselves, it’s tough not to be influenced by or inspired by the moves of others. In one moment, Wales sends a quick reminder that this whole thing works out best when we just do what comes naturally, in the moment, of our own creativity and intuition.

Oh yeah, and the guy still surfs waves pretty darn well otherwise.


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