When it comes to surfboards with fins of the dual variety, a few names immediately spring to mind. Asher Pacey is at the top of that list. That’s for good reason. He’s staggeringly good at surfing a twin fin. One of the best to ever do it isn’t an understatement.
In the nine-minute edit RVCA recently released, Pacey talks about his inspirations. Unsurprisingly, he’s inspired by the world around him. “Number one, first and foremost, without a doubt, I’m inspired by nature,” he says. “Every time you look outside or look at what’s in front of you and take a closer look, you’re always blown away because of the way the world works and the way that animals behave and evolve and the beauty. That all just just combines and I’m blown away by that. You never get bored of that. You’re always inspired. You always see something new.”
Pacey is a product of his childhood. He didn’t grow up with a lot of material possessions, but he had something far more valuable: freedom to explore. And explore he did. Along the way, he found a love for surfing that translates perfectly into his style of surfing. Fluid, exploratory, and full of expression, Pacey’s surfboards look like they’re just an extension of his body.