
The Inertia

As you’re likely well aware, the world’s oceans are feeling the impact of humankind on multiple fronts. Between climate change – that’s creating stronger, more frequent storms, harmful algae blooms, rising sea levels, and coral bleaching – the global plastic epidemic, and proposed offshore oil drilling, it would seem our oceans simply can’t catch a break. And if all continues unabated, those problems will only get worse.

For the surfer of the future, the ocean may no longer be the crystal clear playground teeming with life of today, but instead a more hostile place where bacteria, radiation, and oil slicks pose a serious health risk. And the simple act of going for a surf may be a game of Russian roulette for illness and disease.

It sounds bleak. Apocalyptic even. And to hammer the point home about the road we’re currently headed down, Vissla and the Surfrider Foundation have imagined what surfers may need in a wetsuit of the future – a suit Vissla calls the Rising Seas wetsuit.

Will we need masks to surf in the future? It’s beginning to seem that way. Photo: Vissla

Equal parts stunt and concept suit, the Rising Seas Wetsuit features a jersey woven with nano-particles of lead to block radiation and pollutants, a touch-screen control panel on the left sleeve, and an LED display mask with a respirator.

“Our coastlines are under siege from the impacts of pollution, ocean acidification, climate change, and fossil fuels,” reads Vissla’s website explaining the imaginary suit of the future. “Rising sea levels and increasingly powerful storms have had a devastating effect on our shorelines and are putting our beaches and local surf spots at risk. With these harsh environmental realities in mind, we’ve teamed up with the Surfrider Foundation to create a wetsuit that addresses these threats head-on.”

All of the info you need – including radiation and bacteria levels – at the touch of a button. Photo: Vissla

Vissla’s site goes on to explain that the Rising Seas wetsuit will remain a conversation starter. “The intention: to protect and inform surfers of the presence of harmful bacteria, viruses, algae blooms, oil spills and high levels of run-off pollution in the water that might affect the outcome of their surf session,” the site reads.

And while, yes the suit is a thought exercise around what might legitimately be required to enter the ocean if our society continues down the path we’re currently on, Vissla and Surfrider are hopeful this concept suit, that obviously isn’t on the market (and hopefully never will be), will spur surfers to act.

“The Rising Seas Wetsuit project is a sobering reality check that we all have to engage in and take a stand to reverse the environmental decline of our oceans, waves, and beaches,” said Vissla’s CEO, Paul Naude, in a press release. “The thought that we may need this conceptual wetsuit in the future is frightening. We hope the message here stimulates a call to action for everyone to get actively involved in demanding that governments – local, state and national – take urgent steps to address the environmental issues at hand. We’re asking everyone who cares about a healthy planet to help us to never have to produce this wetsuit.”

If, like me, you found this concept suit jarring and feel inspired to act, Surfrider implores you to contact your elected officials to urge them to act on climate change.

For an eerily similar take on what surfing may look like in the future, check out our own Alex Haro’s short story on the Dystopian Future of Surf.


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