I was astonished when the one person I thought was a woman surfing was actually a guy with long hair.

Mason Ho, not a woman.

The Inertia

Every year, my sister gets me a subscription to your journal for my birthday. I am always excited to receive it in the mail. I set aside time to read it no matter how hectic life gets. I find a lonely spot on the beach or a quiet night at home and dig in.

When I received the current issue, I quickly skipped to the Mason Ho feature. I’m a huge fan and really, I’ll admit, I have a huge crush on him. But as I sifted through the rest of the issue, I noticed something was missing: the female athletes… and no, I don’t mean “surfer girls.” I mean the female athletes.

I was astonished when the one person I thought was a woman surfing was actually a guy with long hair. A look at the covers of your back issues, save a couple, reveals a similar absence. A google search of Bethany Hamilton (you know, the one armed woman who surfed Teahupoo and Pipeline safely during her pregnancy) and your journal brings up nothing of relevance (maybe you need SEO tips). A similar search of Keala Kennelly (who just rode that giant wave at Teahupoo) doesn’t pull up much either except a biography edition dated 2002. In case you missed her wave:

I could be missing something, and I hope I am. I am not sure why I never was struck by this omission before but it’s unsettling.

So, I am asking, where are all the women?


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