“Hey dude, got any wax?” Those five words pretty much define me as a surfer. I’m a wax rat. If you are anywhere in the path from my car to my first wave, odds are good that you’ll be hearing that request from yours truly. Now, on the off chance I actually come to the beach with wax, I’m definitely sticking that thing in the ankle cuff of my wetsuit. You see, that “Hey dude, got any wax” line doesn’t pay off in the water. Nobody has wax in the lineup. It’s a problem for me. And the other problem here is that the wax I do stuff in my suit always fricken’ slips out of my suit somehow. Dammit! It’s so infuriating that it’s made me consider giving up surfing altogether.
Anyway, it turns out I’m not the only one with Mr. Zog’s-centric dilemmas. The only difference here is that this somebody else is actually doing something about it. Just slap this thing called the WaxPocket on the cuff of your leash and dispense wax from the lineup like a boss. “Hey dude, you need any wax?”
Now if I could just start remembering to bring wax with me in the first place…