
The Inertia

I call this these One Wave Tapas. The idea came to me a while back, on a warm summer afternoon, beer in one hand and a great montadito in the other.

Tapas are great. They are an amazing and delicious way to enjoy gastronomical feats in a bite sized serving. Apply that idea to surf videos and you have yourself a new world of opportunities to serve some wave action. In this case it’s One Wave Tapas: bite sized servings of surfing. Short and to the point. No sunset shots, empty lineups, or driving montages with tattooed arms hanging out of the car window. No waxing and walking down a deserted path to an unknown beach. One Wave Tapas are without those trite scenes that we grow tired of seeing in most surf videos (Yes, I do those too and I fall prey to the same over chewed ideas, concepts and formats).

From take off to pull out, fade out or wipe out, you get what you see and you see what you get.

In this first serving of tapas I’ve dug into old footage I shot back in 2011 and never used in those old edits with the trite scenes we grew tired of long ago. I still enjoy watching these amazing loggers rip and it’s worth taking a moment to catch them sharing a wave in only the way Alex Knost and Jared Mell can.

So spare a minute and have a One Wave Tapa.


Only the best. We promise.


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