My career is still growing, and no single image has really excelled my progress more than any other. I’ll never be someone anyone needs in this industry; there are hoards of other people out there with a camera. Instead, I just aim to show surfing in a different light.
I’m forever a student of light and still reaching further to get a better grasp of this visual journey I’ve undertaken. I don’t want to give the impression that having your photos run in a magazine is the main goal, although I used to think that for a time. Really, having your images run doesn’t mean much. I don’t need street cred and the pay won’t support me. I have discovered that I’m not out to prove anything anymore, and I don’t need the surf media to validate me as a photographer. I do love surf photography though. I love it with all my heart. I enjoy approaching it with a critical eye to make the best image possible and am always trying to succeed. These images and captions may be more anecdotal than career progressing. Hope that jives well with you all.