It sounded like it had been a pretty stale winter for the most part while Puerto Rico waited patiently for a good run of swell. My girlfriend and I had planned a quick mission down that lined up nicely with a solid NE storm that absolutely lit up the entire island. The same storms that had had the Eastern seaboard in a deep freeze all winter turned PR into a wonderland for four straight days.
I shot this at Gas Chambers on the Friday as the swell was peaking. After a few overcrowded waves down at Crashboats, I decided to dust off the camera and snap a few up the beach. It was a heavy day which thinned out the crowd, leaving only a handful of guys in the water getting shacked off their collective nut. This particular wave though blew minds on the beach, perhaps even wave-of-the-day. Ale Moreda made a super fast drop as the wave kept stacking. He stood fully upright, then disappeared for a good 2-3 seconds before being spewed out, hands behind his back just totally relaxed.