Photo: A Wedge to Remember

From fifteen seconds tubes at Sandspit to wipeouts at The Wedge, here are seven of the craziest moments from most recent high-definition surf flick shot on a variety of cameras, including the 4k RedCam. A Wedge To Remember highlights of the legendary Hurricane Marie swell on August 27, 2014.
Filmed by some of the newest and brightest action sports filmers in California and featuring surfing legends like Laird Hamilton, Jaime Obrien, Keith Malloy and plenty of local legends who are charging the biggest southern California in twenty five years. Malibu, Sandspit, The Wedge, Lowers and Newport Point were going off and the heaviest wipeouts and waves were scored on that historic day. It’s filmed from a variety of land and air angles.
These seven noteworthy rides are a sampling from the film.
Jamie O’Brien Board Swap at The Wedge
Shot by Josh Pomer
Having Jamie to film is always amazing. At The Wedge, he was only out for an hour. Then he went to Newport Point. But when he was out he absolutely lit it up. You could tell that nobody else’s surfing was even close. As you can see, when Jamie surfs he is more creative than anyone. And when Jaime is out you better be ready because you don’t want to miss the ride of the day.
Alan Sarlo Shoots the Pier at Malibu
Shot by Gus McConnell
Malibu was firing on all accounts. The lines were going all the way to the horizon. It was really, really, really crowded. Almost so crowded it was dangerous. Laird Hamilton even saved a surfer. And Dogtown legend Alan Sarlo was shooting the pier more than anyone else. He would go through the pilings like he was playing a game. This wave in particular he rode for what seemed like a mile, before aiming straight for the pilings.
Gabe Venturelli at Sandspit
Shot by Tony Madugno
The whole world has been shocked and awed by this wave ridden by real estate agent Gabe Venturelli. Gabe paddled out at 8am and this was his first wave. Nobody filmed the drop. He free-fell to the bottom of the wave, almost fell over, regained his composure and found himself what looked like a close out tube. He raised his arms in the air and waited to slammed. Then he started pumping (when the camera caught him) and made it through section after section and somehow he came out.
Cheyne Magnusson Scores at The Wedge
Shot by Josh Pomer
The Wedge is the best place to watch live surfing. It’s carnage right at your feet. You can literally be inches from some of the heaviest surfing on the planet. Cheyne Magnussom has been living in California for some time. On this wave he made a hard bottom turn and just pulled in right under the lip. It was heavy, and right at the last moment he came out and then got blasted on this wave.
Icaro Miguel Rodrigues Boosts Full Rotation at Lower Trestles
Shot by Josh Pomer
Lowers Trestles left is the best place to launch airs. It always has a nice section for slamming the lip and going skyward. The size of the waves were not as big at Lowers, but it was great for catching plenty of waves and the crowd was minor. On this wave, Icaro was just going huge. I didn’t even know he was but luckily I filmed him anyway — and when he pulled this full rotation, it was as sick. It’s great to be surprised by the surfing talent that goes unnoticed by most all of the surf media. It reminds me of how Ratboy bust onto the scene and nobody saw it coming (but us). Icaro is going to be surprising a lot of people in the future. I hope he gets a sponspr and a good surf company takes notice.
Drone Wave at Newport Point
Shot by Adam Guy
Drone expert Adam Guy, who regularly shoots car commercials in Los Angeles, was lucky to be the pristine Newport Point that morning. He had been planning on shooting The Wedge but at the last minute he decided to go to Newport. And we’re glad he did as his footage is some of the most beautiful images captured of the entire swell.
Jamie O’Brien at Newport Point
Shot by Noah Alani
I remember seeing all the footage of Newport Point and thinking I’ve never seen anything like it ever! It was huge and really heavy with Pipeline style tubes. I am sure it took every ounce of Jamie’s willpower to make it through this tube, somehow he managed to get this one and stay on his board to the very end. He’s best and most versatile tube rider in the world. Nobody is doing what Jamie does with ease.
Want to watch the entire film from the comfort of your own home (or wherever you have a computer/smartphone)? A Wedge to Remember is now available on iTunes. To keep updated on any future screenings, Like A Wedge To Remember on Facebook. And be sure to follow them on Instagram.