As surfers, we are constantly looking for new ways to improve our surfing. Changing board and fin arrangements, silly balance bracelets, rigorous training regimens, and even getting our asses out of bed at the dreadful hour of 5 a.m. are all things we do in the name of self-improvement. As it turns out, there’s perhaps nothing simpler and more effective than proper nutrition. In the same way you car demands gas in order to run, your body demands nutrients in order to function properly—physically and mentally. Deprive your body of those nutrients and your surf session will be sluggish, to say the very least. Luckily, you’re able to get the aforementioned necessities at the same place. Here are seven items you can purchase at a gas station that can help you become a better surfer.
1. Protein Bars – Great for before and after a surf. Look for bars with moderate to high protein, as well as low to moderate sugar. Select a bar under ten ingredients, and make sure it has some carbs as well. Stay away from those bars with fifty ingredients—it’s Frankenstein food. It’s can actually be counter-productive. Look for non-GMO and ingredients you understand. Find a bar from a reputable company that operates on complete transparency, like Carve Bar, which is a chocolate chip cookie dough bar that is an extremely healthy option before or after a surf. You can take it, or bake it. Yes, you can bake this bar into little bite-sized cookies if you have the time. It’s awesome!
2. Banana – Bananas are loaded with fast-acting digestible carbs, and it’s packed with high potassium. You can usually find a bowl of bananas at most gas stations.
3. Water or Sports Drinks – I need not mention that being dehydrated is not exactly conducive to great surfing. Or any physical activity, for that matter. Water is truly one of the most important items your body needs, and it’s one thing most of us don’t consume enough of. If your body requires a little more oomph, and you plan on surfing for several hours, then grab a sports drink that doesn’t have a ton of sugar. Essential electrolytes and minerals, like sodium and potassium, will be replenished when a typical sports drink is consumed.
4. Yogurt – If you have the time, toss in a scoop of protein powder and add some blueberries or strawberries. I prefer a yogurt that is clean and simple with no added flavors. Yogurt is easy on the stomach and will give you a nice boost of energy. The probiotics are a plus.
5. Beef Jerky – This is a quick option that will provide you with a little bit of everything: fats, protein, sodium, and carbohydrates. Plus, it’s really easy to grab and go. Jerky products are typically something that you wouldn’t eat all day, but for something like surfing, it works. Plus, it’s delicious. Oh, and stay away from those Slim Jims; the oil and fat content alone could power a battleship
6. Oatmeal or Oatmeal Bar – Oatmeal helps lower bad cholesterol and fills you up with a lot of carbohydrates that boost energy and alertness.
7. Trail Mix or Nuts – Almonds, for example, have a ton of protein and healthy fats. Nuts are a great concentrated energy source that provide healthy nutrients and fiber, which don’t weigh your stomach down.