The greatest cartoon of all time? Photo: Screenshot/Youtube

Two out of three in our office today had never heard of Rocket Power. That blew my mind. If there was one TV show that defined my childhood, Rocket Power was it. Growing up as a Southern California grom in the 90s and early 2000s, the show was so relatable. The characters surfed, skated, snowboarded, played street hockey, all in the town of Ocean Shores, which looked a lot like Santa Monica. And they had their own lingo–like calling tourists that wear shoes on the beach “shoobies”, or talking about “womping” somebody. It was gold!
When I found myself explaining the show, I was met with blank stares. So I thought, what better way to explain it than by full immersion, i.e. finding some of its best moments.
If you’re a 90s kid, and you remember Rocket Power, it’s never a bad time to relive your childhood. And for those who have never heard of the show, you’re welcome. Here are just 5 moments of awesomeness from probably one of the best cartoons of all time:
1. Woogity Woogity
Let’s start with the iconic handshake–where Otto, Twister, Reggie, and Sam wiggle their fingers and say “woogity woogity woogity”. Who came up with this? Genius!

Imitating this handshake summarizes my middle school days.
2. Secret Spot
This episode tackles a huge theme in surfing–localism. When the gang heads to a secret surf spot, the local crew there isn’t happy. The alpha local–a guy named Mongo–is pissed. “Mongo no like shoobies,” he shouts. Everyone eventually learns to get along, it is a kids’ show after all. But not before an angry local messes with the Rockets’ campsite–possessing Sam to scream, “They got sand in the potato salad!”
3. Super McVarial 900
Remember when Otto wanted to pull a maneuver nobody had ever done before–the Super McVarial 900? Maybe the show was before its time, because the trick is totally made up. Ipso facto, no one has ever pulled one.
4. Big Thursday (The Rhino)
“You’re cashing a check your tush can’t cash, little man.” Wise words from The Rhino, the big wave surfer.
5. Bu’s for Surfers Only
Learning is probably the worst part of surfing. But if you want to get in the water at Malibu, “the Bu’s for surfers only.
Bonus: Channel Surfing