Fitness Coach/Surfer

Step #3 – Semi-open chain stability

This is a great way to get your shoulders ready for duck diving and paddling again, as it involves elements of both open and closed chain exercises. Closed chain for duck diving and keeping your shoulder compressed (and therefore safe), and open chain for paddling.

Here is an example of semi-open chain stability exercises using swiss balls and Indo Boards. Although you could also use a skateboard, ab roller, or foam roller.

shoulder stability exercises

Semi-open chain shoulder stability exercises that are great for surfing

I do harp on about the forward ball roll in my posts quite a lot, so hopefully you are starting to get the idea about why it’s so awesome for surfers. Not just for lower back and hip stability, but also for your shoulders.

Step #4 – Open chain stability

ONLY once you have restored a healthy level of stability and strength in your shoulder should you do this under load.

The great conundrum is, this is also what you need to paddle. So this is how I would step through it:

1. Rhythmic stability exercises – like skipping, or exercises using a body blade. Anything that rhythmically pumps the shoulder in a circular fashion, with a little speed to it.

2. Rotator cuff isolation work – a resistance band can be perfect for this. You would want to start training your rotator cuff from a safe position (elbow tucked next to the body) and you would then want to train the shoulder with your elbow raised as high as you comfortably can. I like to keep the elbow slightly in front of the body, and slightly below the level of the shoulder. If your neck is shrugging, or your shoulder lifting, you are too high.

3. Rotator cuff integration work – this is where you can then integrate your open chain pulling and pushing exercises with the rest of the body. This could either be using a paddling drill, or more specific pulls, pushes and chopping exercises.

open chain shoulder

You would then train in open and closed chain exercises for power, but that’s a whole other step. I detail how to do this style of training specifically in my Advanced Program.

I don’t recommend power training until you have at least done the Surf Shoulder program in full, or completed my Intermediate Program as a minimum, pain free. Or unless you are a weapon.

If you would like more information about how to perform any of these tests or exercises, please check out my Surf Shoulders Made Simple product page. It is probably one of the best corrective programs I have ever written.


Ash Boddy

P.S. If you have questions that need the same level of detailed description just like this one, please send them to me at

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