Senior Editor

The Inertia

Every year, Surfer Magazine runs the Surfer Poll on Oahu’s North Shore. Last year, we covered it a little differently than most (which, by the way, included the news that Eddie Rothman spat on Sam George… although we didn’t get a photo of it. Pictures or it didn’t happen, right?). In fact, we covered the entire North Shore spectacle a little differently than most. To supplement the postcard-perfect Pipeline contest, we took pictures of porta-potties filled with human filth, played with dead frogs, and waged war with a cockroach.

Included in Surfer’s poll is the Worst Wipeout category, for which voting opened on November 24th. You should vote, because worst wipeout is way better than best ride, most popular surfer, grossest spit, biggest cockroach, or deadest frog. Plus, the little video they put together is just plain awesome, and you should watch it, although you probably already are and I’m just wasting my time telling you why you should be watching it. Sigh.

Every year, Surfer Magazine runs their Surfer Poll on Oahu's North Shore. You should vote. Or at least watch the video they made.


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