Writer/ Photographer

Something is wrong in our country right now. And this isn’t a statement or rant about our new President. It seems as if everything you see on the news, on social media and in magazines is one group of people telling you why everyone who doesn’t agree with them is terrible. And all that does is pit people against each other, tearing us further apart.

Surfing, on the other hand, is a great equalizer. We can take some lessons from the lineup and apply them to the political problems we face as a way to make some real progress in America.

1. Stop All the Fighting
Everyone knows that one hot head in the lineup who is always ready to start throwing haymakers at a moment’s notice. Don’t be that guy. No one likes him, yet for some reason this recent election has brought a little bit of “that guy” out in many of us. A slight difference in political views and boom, a tsunami-like wave of insults and arguments are hitting you harder than taking a closeout set on the head.

To the contrary, we need to enjoy the opportunities and blessings we do have. Even in times as stressful and demanding as competition, we can still find time to appreciate what we have in common and just be happy.

2. “It’s All Good, Man.” 
We need to realize that everyone is going to have his or her disagreements. That doesn’t make somebody a terrible person. Aside from the occasional kook in example #1, most of the people in your lineup are actually understanding and non-confrontational. Being the awkward newbie surfer that I am, I’ve had my fair share of close run ins after getting in somebody’s way or dropped in on somebody by accident. Funny enough, it’s always been received with a quick “All good, man. No Worries.”

Maybe that’s just the gift of surfing. It has an ability to let people slow down, appreciate what they do have and be happy and forgiving. Like Duke himself said, “take your time – wave comes. Let the other guys go, catch another one.”

No matter what political differences we have, where another surfer is from, or what they believe in, what really matters are the things we have in common. The waves will keep rolling long after our time has passed.

3. We All Have the Same Things to Lose
When you’re out in the ocean, subject to Mother Nature and all her might, everyone has the same thing to lose. Surfing is a dangerous sport that can have the most fatal of consequences. And every surfer should always be looking out for the person next to them. We know this, even if we’ve never met the person next to us before. While we could apply this same philosophy to patriotism, it’s fair to say Americans aren’t acting the same way today.

We all have the same thing to lose as Americans and as humans. If we want what is best for our fellow Americans we need to come together and focus on what we have in common, abandoning the focus on our differences. Just like surfers in the lineup, we have a common bond and need to look out for each other. To quote Abraham Lincoln, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” If all we continue to do is regurgitate divisive crap, we will forever be cut down the middle without the strength to stand.

Chill out, embrace the spirit of aloha, maybe do a little bit of meditation and realize that everything will be okay.


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