Distributor of Ideas

The Inertia

Wiping out is part of the game. There are roughly a million clichés around it, and they’re all true. We’ve all done it, so it’s no secret how frustrating and embarrassing yet completely fun it is. Plus, it’s inevitably going to happen again. Probably the next time you paddle out. That said, wiping out can also be worth a good laugh and a worthy form of entertainment for either or both the one wiping out and the situation’s onlookers. Face it, we’ve all had a chuckle at the expense of a friend and/or stranger watching them eat it. And how many times have you come up laughing after blowing a take-off, digging rail or pulling into a closeout? The flip side comes when you slam into the reef or nearly drown. Insert favorite wipeout cliché here.

For added effect, play The Safari’s “Wipeout” below while you flip through this gallery. It only makes it better.


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