Senior Editor

The Inertia

Depending on the circle of people you surf with, you might be aware that mid-lengths and longboards sometimes can be the focus of angry humans. Some in the shortboard-exclusive crowd are not the lightest of tongue when it comes to expressing their dislike of a surfboard unlike the one they happen to ride. But let’s be honest here, people: some waves are not meant for a standard shortboard, and some surfers aren’t either.

And some surfers, despite trying their absolute best to be a shortboarder, just need to pull out the dreaded mid-length, take it out on a day with waves that cater to a dreaded mid-length, and proceed to have fun. Because that’s what surfing is about.

The video above features a few surfers who surf very well on basically any surfboard. It’s 10 minutes of Tommy Witt, Corey Colapinto, and Jimmy Thompson surfing a mid and a longboard at a very traditional wave. San Onofre with offshores and a few great surfers is a pleasant sight, isn’t it?


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