Editor’s Note: The following #RADGEAR is powered by the team at OrganicSurfScreen.com

Made with ingredients you can read. Photo: OrganicSurfScreen.com
The immediate danger of too much sun are irritating sunburns, often leaving you hot, bothered, and looking like some sort of leper when your skin begins to peel. We’ve all been there and done that. However, a bit of research reveals horrifying statistics. For example, according to the American Cancer Society, one person dies of melanoma every 57 minutes. Crazy, right?
Staying out of the sun is the more obvious way to avoid sun damage, but most of us love the outdoors way too much to even consider that an option. The only other viable alternative is to lather ourselves in sunscreen to protect us while doing what we love. And what better way to do it than with an organic, natural, and recycled product that donates to several different events and causes, including DAANA Blue beach cleanups in Venice Beach.
Ever heard the saying: “You get what you pay for?” Well, it’s completely true. SurfScreen uses raw, natural, organic materials to synthesize truly great products that do not contain potentially harmful chemicals that are commonly found in similar sunscreen products. In the same token, they strive to maintain a level of transparency, as there are no hidden ingredients. All products are made from certified organic materials, such as beeswax, coconut oil, cocoa butter, argan oil, jojoboa oil, aloe, tea tree oil, cocoa, chia, and non-nano zinc oxide.
SurfScreen has a variety of different products, including face sticks, lip balms, sunscreen lotions, and even T-shirts and toiletry bags made from recycled polyester and cotton. And although products are made from certified organic materials, we advise they’re not to be used for consumption—even if they do smell like chocolate. So do your skin, your health, and the environment a favor by considering using SurfScreen.
For more details about each product, check out the their website at OrganicSurfScreen.com. And be sure to check out The Inertia Instagram the upcoming SurfScreen giveaways.