Photo: Blue Uprising

Surfers fight and scrap for waves every day, up and down every coast, but as a community, we don’t always fight to maintain the oceans and beaches where we do this. That tide is changing. A lot of things that impact the surfing community are on the political table in 2018: offshore drilling, climate change, ocean conservation, and more. That’s why this is the time for the surfing community to mobilize and show how much it cares.
To that end, the surfing political action committee Blue Uprising is holding its first-ever “I Surf. I Vote” event:
Sunday, July 8, 2018, 10am -1pm
Balboa Pier
1 W Balboa Pier
Newport Beach, CA 92661
Facebook RSVP
This will be our first stop as we continue to build a nationwide campaign, allowing nonprofits, campaigns, parties, and political organizations to come together in a nonpartisan manner with a goal to galvanize the surfing community’s voice for the ocean. During the event, we will use surfboards to spell out “VOTE,” and also film “I Surf. I Vote” testimonials from local surfers at the event. Attendance is free; those with surfboards are encouraged to bring them out to help with the “VOTE” photo.
This is no longer a time when we, as an ocean-loving community, can sit idly by and allow those whose interests do not align with our own to be put in office. We have to do our part. We have to show up on Election Day. So, F off you if you don’t vote. And we F’ing love you if you do vote.
Learn more about Blue Uprising here.