The past week has brought snow to nearly every corner of California. While I can’t say it’s necessarily unprecedented, it’s something we haven’t seen in a very, very long time. Widespread precipitation across the state and unusually cold temperatures drove the snow-line almost to sea level, with the white stuff falling in places it normally doesn’t like the Hollywood Hills, Santa Barbara, and the Santa Cruz Mountains. Even Disneyland and parts of L.A. proper saw some flakes come down.
The storms this past week have also sent a crazy amount of snow to Tahoe. Ski resorts in the area are reporting over 90 inches in the past seven days – on top of a base that was already nearing 500-inches deep. And there’s more on the way, with basically non-stop snowfall forecasted from now until next Tuesday. An ABC affiliate did this interesting look at the storms and how they’ve impacted California. Yeah, this winter might be one we’ll be talk about for years.