Orange County Lifeguards tend to a woman found naked three miles out to sea off of Newport Beach. Photo: Twitter/Orange County Sherriff’s Department

We’ve all been there. Had a few too many drinks. Got a little crazy. Decided to go skinny dipping. I’m not the only one, right? RIGHT!? Apparently not. (Thank God).
A 28-year-old woman was found on Sunday three miles out to sea from Newport Beach Harbor without any flotation devices and sans swimsuit. The skinny dipper had been in the water for quite a while; she had taken to the water the evening before at 5:30 pm, reports the OC Register. Two kayakers found the woman at around 10 am on Sunday after hearing her calls for help.
But the story gets even weirder. Apparently nobody saw the woman enter the water and lifeguards said that there is no way that a rip current could’ve carried her three miles out. So what the hell happened? And the fact that she was able to stay alive for over 16 hours. She had removed her bathing suit for better movement in the water, reports the Register.
Sounds like an episode of Law & Order. Where’s Ice-T when you need him?