Xavier Rudd. Photo: Jane Rantall

Xavier Rudd tells me it’s going to be a groovefest when he takes the album “Nanna” on a North American tour. It’s an easy scenario to imagine as he’s telling me this because, well, the new single “Come People” just got me through my early evening run. It’s busy reggae, not straight Jamaican. He rocks a harmonica in one song, and a didgeridoo the next. I know I’ve heard music like this before, but can’t put my finger on it. Then he tells me, “It’s world reggae, man.” The appropriately named Xavier Rudd & The United Nations are about to tour Australia, then the US, then onto Europe and eventually South America. It’s busy. Since his first album debuted in 2002, Rudd has traditionally been a solo act. A one man band. Now he’s the front man, supported by a group of musicians that are literally from every corner of the globe. And for an Australian artist/musician/surfer who creates music about social and environmental change, this probably isn’t a horrible gig. I had a quick conversation with Xavier about his music, his surfing, and life in general. Below are a few gems that came out.
“There’s waves everywhere out there, man (Rudd’s home near Byron Bay). Most of our country is good for waves. I get in the water when I’m home, but when I’m on the road only sometimes. There’s chances of getting the right conditions when you’re in a town for a day or two. I’ve scored some good ones on the road.”
“It’s something I’ve always wanted to do, put a band together at some point. It’s different from anything else I’ve ever done, but I think it’s definitely got flavors of Xavier Rudd records. But all my music’s different. I think every album I make is different. This one’s pretty unique. All the players come from different places, and that’s got different influences from their cultures, from different parts of the world. All of us together has an interesting sound.”
“We’ve got quite a bit happening on paper. So it’s gonna be busy. When we do the whole album cycle it’s pretty much nonstop, really. I’ve been doing that for a long time, about ten years. It’s pretty full on and pretty normal, so I’m used to it these days.”
“South America I’m really looking forward to. I’ve never been there before, so I’m looking forward to getting into Brazil. I know I’ve got some followers down there but haven’t had a chance to get there yet. I hope I’m fitting in some surfing. Brazil I think for sure I’ll surf. I’m just looking forward to getting over there and getting people boogeying.”
See more from Xavier Rudd and the rest of the band at Xavierrudd.com.