Surfing has a cognitive and emotional power; it make us feel ecstasy.

“Music is proof that the human race is greater than it knows.” -Napoleon Bonaparte. Surfing, for me, has always been a window into a brighter world; a way to express myself (along with writing, photography and… music). A Surfer, particularly a “Soul Surfer,” must have good taste in music. Good music can make you live in a better world.
To me, these two art forms have always been intertwined. The music, named as “Surf Rock,” has defined surf culture since the 50s. From The Ventures, Dick Dale, to The Shadows, Beach Boys, and The Monkees. And nowadays, I think music still defines what kind of surfer you are (e.g. the “instrument” you choose and your lines in the water).
Today, (from a surfer’s perspective) music is divided into many new sub-categories. A new generation of insane air maneuvers with electric music, and full power hacks coupled with garage rock is out there. And just like some people still prefer long carves and folk rock, twin and single fin with indie rock, and later, the psychedelic rock with guys surfing on a motorbike. But, it still exists, the perfect (sound) wave for each of us.
Surfing has a cognitive and emotional power; it makes us feel ecstasy. We cannot translate into words what we feel when we’re surfing (only a surfer knows the feeling), and music helps us to express that. In both ways, it’s all about trying to turn feelings into something tangible. An ecstasy beamed from brain to brain; wave to wave.
I think that the music you hear defines the surfer you are. Please, make a good choice of it. Good ( sound)waves for everyone!