The surf and skate influence is undeniable. Despite international recognition, they’re still the band from Virginia Beach. Photo: Bernie McGrew
A few of your songs have been used in surf clips over the years, and most recently in the new surf flick SB2SD. Do you get fired up to hear your music cut to some good quality surfing action?
Most definitely. Probably the most fired up would be when our song Land of the Lost was used on the Eddie Aikau Big Wave Invitational and of course some sick Outer Banks footage. Too bad Fuel TV is gone all UFC all the time. Used to hear a lot of killer music on there and killer footage of what we all enjoy – surf, skate, snow. Also as you said above we were also heavily featured in the new surf flick SB2SD which you can currently watch for free on Vimeo.
Have any of the band members traveled out of the country on a surf trip, and what are some of your memorable surf sessions at home or around the world?
Yes. We have traveled to Costa Rica, Barbados, and outside of the mainland – Hawaii/Puerto Rico. Some of the memorable surf sessions as a group would have to be surfing Boca Boranca at head high to double overhead – perfect, mile-long lefts. Swell direction was perfect for the spot and stayed right at the point and got lucky and caught it perfect.
Who are currently some of your favorite surfers or skaters and what sets them apart in your minds?
That is a pretty extensive list. Well, off hand, probably – obviously Tom Curren who is the legend, Kelly Slater who is a freak of nature from the east coast, Dane Reynolds for his pure natural talent and charisma, and local VA/NC boys Chris Culpin, Billy Hume, Brett Barley, Ben Bourgeois, Jeff Myers, Wes Laine, Randy Renard, Jason Griffith, Raven Lundy, Jordan Gibb, Granger Clarke and many more we are forgetting… It is awesome now with the accessibility of the ASP contests on the internet makes it exciting to be able to watch the contests live of killer breaks and the best surfers on them. For skaters it would have to be local boys Sergie Ventura, John Fudala, Henry Guiterrez, Mike Vallely, Kyle Berard, and many more…
Okay, back to music. We have established that the new album is set to drop in 2015. Have you guys set the tour dates yet? If so will you be coming to the west coast because I know their are a lot of fans in California that have been waiting for you guys to show up and blow up.
No we haven’t confirmed any tour dates yet. We do have tentative plans to hit the west coast and an invite to go back to Europe’s Freak Valley Festival. We are long overdue to make it over to the Left Coast though….
Do you guys wanna give any shout outs to anyone that has helped or supported you along the way?
Another extensive list. We will try in chronological order and hope we didn’t miss anyone: Our families, loved ones, friends, and dedicated fans around the world. Specific shout outs needed to Leanne Morton, Vince Burke, Larry May, Steve Messino, Brice Roughton, John Fudala, Ray Pierce, boys in ASG, Daniel Terry and Granger at Volcom, Rob at Sector 9, Bradford Davis, Keith Jackson, Chip Johnson, Jason Jaeger, Paul At War, Jason Bruner, Shep Pender, George Alcaraz, boys in Thunderlip – Johnny Collins, Chuck, Matt, boys in Collosus – Bill Fisher, Ricky Miller, Matt Collins, Rich Mullins, Matt Whitehead, Rob Devinny, Corbitt Carrol, Erik Larson, Scott Hamilton, Jesse Lo-Pan, Doug Gozu, Kent WoFat, Jason Eminizer, Chris Culpin, Greg Galbraith, Cesar/Gibson, Jerome Crutsen, Mathis Jaist, Walter Roadburn, Alex @ Orange Amps, and many more…
Right on guys. Keep blowing up and thanks for your time.
For more Freedom Hawk, visit their website, and follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Editor’s Note: Dave Schauber directed and produced SB2SD.