This edition of Listen Up! is brought to you by The Inertia’s Associate Editor Alexander Haro:
“A little while ago, I got an old truck. It’s brown, the seats are torn, and there’s more rust than metal. If you can imagine a farmer’s field – any farmer’s field – my truck will be in your imagination. Something funny happened when I first got in it: I developed a strange new love for old country music. Which, in turn, got me onto duets, especially ones featuring old worn out country singers. Think Johnny and June. If there are three things in this world that I’m a sucker for, they’re Willie Nelson, duets, and beautiful women. Of course, there’s a lot more than three things I’m a sucker for, but all of those three are in this video.
The video above is Willie Nelson, Lily Meola (interestingly enough, she’s the sister of Matt, that Maui kid that is better then everyone), and Toby Couture singing together at a restaurant on Maui. Enjoy.”
-Alexander Haro, Associate Editor