One of the lay days, a huge truck rocked up at the event site with a pack of 20 men strong unloading what seemed like speakers, lighting and lots of cases set to fit out a stadium.
They had to keep the concert real low key otherwise Snapper Rocks would have been overrun by a grooving, drunk bunch of 40-50+ year old women. It was pretty cool seeing Steph froth so much on stage. It was hard to get a photo of her when she wasn’t smiling.
I decided Kelly would have been that prick kid in your year at school winning every sporting event, acing every math test and owning the end-of-year concert.
Such a cool vibe down there with a huge amount of people on the beach. I didn’t know who this old fellow Jimmy Buffet was and then I recognized some of his songs. It was epic! Jimmicane and some of the other guys were frothing. Apparently Jimmicane grew up listening to Jimmy Buffet and is from his side of town.
All I have to say is who is playing at the next event?!