
One-time professional surfer turned singer-songwriter extraordinaire Jim White (Searching For the Wrong-Eyed Jesus) needs your help. Last year he parted ways with his record label and decided to go into business for himself. Well, with the economy still in the dumper, business isn’t quite booming. So Jim’s trying to raise funds to finish his new album, Where It Hits You, the old fashioned way: by begging.

He’s pretty good at it too. You can check out his kickstarter ad below—and you can donate funds to help finish the album this way as well—but here’s why you should bother: Jim’s been a huge influence on surf culture. A while back, his music and his ideas helped shape my book West of Jesus. More recently, he played the opening party for the Campbell brother’s North Shore Bonzer shop. In between, his music has touched the lives of several generations of surfers. So check out his ad and kick him twenty bucks if you can and let his music continue to influence several more generations of surfers. It is Christmas-time, after all.


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