I hit the streets again with two pieces of art concluding a year of street art depicting key moments in each of the 10 ASP World Championship Tour contests.
I began this final two-part street piece in Del Mar, CA USA. I called the 14 ft. image of Mick Fanning depicted as Zeus with lightning bolt in hand “Mick Fanning: King of the Gods” in honor of his 2013 championship.

The second piece is based on the recently foiled plans of billionaire developer Bob Ell’s proposed transformation of the Australia Gold Coast Kirra into a shipping terminal and casino. This piece is titled “White Lightning Strikes Dead a Deal From Ell.” Ell is depicted hunched over a miniature cruise ship with a lighting bolt stuck in his back. This piece was installed on the beach in Del Mar, CA USA not far from part one. Additional lightning bolts have been spotted in the Del Mar streets. 2013 ASP WCT champion Mick Fanning has expressed support of both pieces.

Check out more from BERT at bertslideart.com or on Instagram @bert_art