Filmmaker, Musician

The Inertia

I’ve spent the last couple years on the road working for Shaun White as his videographer. Because of this, I’ve been to some crazy places and met some incredible humans. Within this group of people, Alyona shines the brightest. I asked her to get coffee and she told me her story. After 45 minutes of listening, I was so incredibly moved. So much optimism from somebody going through such hardship. The next week I brought my camera with me to her house in Huntington Beach and let her share her story. It’s real, it’s messy, but it’s beautiful.

We get caught up on the small things like sitting in traffic or somebody putting too much mayonnaise on our sandwich. Alyona lost her ability to walk yet she wakes up with a smile every single day. It’s a great reminder to be thankful for what you have and I hope when people watch this, they have a new appreciation just to be alive. This is her story, Life is Interesting.


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